May 5 is World Password Day!


Believe it or not, changing your password, or at least checking its integrity has been “celebrated” across the world since 2013. Created by the technology company Intel to reiterate the importance of secure credentials, World Password Day is meant to remind end-users of the importance of securing their credentials, their privacy, and ultimately their identity.  This article shares some fascinating statistics and information!

As a district, we recommend the following inclusions in order to create a solid and secured password:

    1. 12 or more characters long
    2. 1 or more capital letter
    3. 1 or more lower case letter
    4. 1 number or special character [%^+, etc.]
    5. Use a unique password for each of your accounts


Multi-factor authentication is another layer of security that, according to Microsoft prevents 99.9% of threats geared towards infiltrating passwords. Two recommendations from our Director of Technology, Dan Fullerton, are utilizing the second layer of the Microsoft MFA App or the Google MFA App.

Remembering unique passwords for a large number of accounts can be quite a challenge. A password manager such as 1Password or LastPass can be a huge benefit in keeping your accounts and credentials organized.

Not sure if your password will stand up to hackers? Check your password’s strength HERE:

Any comments or questions may be directed to

-Christine Baker Marriage/Happiness Engineer