To Parents/Guardians of WICSD K-5 Summer Lab Students:

Thank you for your child’s participation in the West Irondequoit Central School District’s K-5 Summer Lab Program.

If your child used a West Irondequoit district laptop for the Summer Lab program, please keep it at home until school begins again in September. When your child returns to school their computer will be updated. In the meantime, we recommend that you keep the device safe, with the charging cord, so that your child will be ready to go when school starts. If you were in grades 4 or 5 and received a computer case please keep that safe, as well.

Please make sure to send all these items back to school with your child during the first week of school.

Thank you for supporting your child and encouraging them to keep their skills sharp over the summer.


Maria Behncke
K-5 Summer Lab 2020